
See Map of DF Communities

View an interactive map of Dementia Friendly communities.

Dementia Friendly Massachusetts is a grassroots movement to make communities safe, inclusive and respectful for persons with Alzheimer’s disease, or a related dementia.

Featured Resources

What is Dementia?

Understand the many forms of the disease

Dementia Friendly Communities

Steps to becoming a more Dementia Friendly Community

Sample DFM Materials

Find mock-up materials that you can easily download and use in your community

Memory Café’s

Create a wonderfully welcoming place for individuals with Dementia

The DFM Pledge

Sign the DFM Pledge to become more dementia friendly

Resources by Sector

Links to Dementia Friendly resources by Sector

Better Together

Better Together: Dementia Friendly and Age Friendly Communities


Links to DFM Partners


Funding Opportunities and Clever Ideas to fund your DF Activities


Let’s Start the Conversation About Alzheimer’s

Dr. Jonathan Jackson speaks with the Brigham and Women's Hospital Center for Alzheimer Research and Treatment speaks about Dementia and the African American community. https://bwhedtech.media.partners.org/programs/alzheimer/startconversation_alzheimer/

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Portraits of Dementia

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful spring weather today. I’m writing to share an article in the Boston Globe and thank you for supporting me and my dementia portrait project. I’m so grateful for your support. The project would not have made it this far without your...

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Events Calendar