Funding Opportunities
The funding opportunities listed below can assist in financing your dementia-friendly initiative through different phases: from initiation to research to program implementation. Learn more about funding possibilities by clicking on the links provided.
Dementia Friendly America
Dementia Friendly America developed a Grant Request Template complete with pertinent information that can be used by communities to apply for funding.
The Momentum Fund by Tufts Health Plan Foundation
The Tufts Health Plan Foundation offers resources to communities striving to advance opportunities for older adults. Dementia-Friendly and age- and dementia-friendly initiatives may qualify to receive a small investment from the Momentum Fund to help cover financial costs.
Click here for more information about the Momentum Fund and application requirements.
MA Healthy Aging Collaborative Grant Listing
Our partner, Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative, regularly updates a list of available grants. These grants are intended for age-friendly initiatives, though many are applicable to dementia-friendly projects.
Administration for Community Living
The Administration for Community Living supports local governments and institutions that promote programs allowing older adults to age in their community. Grant funding can be used toward research or services.
Community Compact Best Practices Program
Cities and towns in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may receive funding by signing a Community Compact agreement with the Baker-Polito administration consenting to administer at least one “Best Practice.” Several of the “Best Practice,” programs align with the dementia-friendly initiative.
Area Agencies on Aging: Title III Funding
Through the Older Americans Act of 1965, funding is made available to state and local agencies to support long-term community services for older adults. Your local Area Agency on Aging can offer more details about possible financial assistance for dementia-friendly related projects.
Access for All Grant
To encourage library accessibility, the Massachusetts Board of LIbrary Commissioners is offering a grant for local libraries to establish dementia-friendly programs and services [Link to new Tools > Examples of DF Programs and Services page] including memory cafes.