
Libraries are a hub for thriving communities, inviting people of all backgrounds and ages to connect and pursue lifelong learning.  As a neutral, safe, public location, libraries are ideal for hosting dementia-friendly educational services and support programs. Dementia-friendly libraries around the country now host memory cafes, support groups, Dementia Friends training, and even memory screenings for residents.  Offering resources for people with dementia and their caregivers a recommended reading list, or activity buckets, can engage and stimulate an individual experiencing memory loss.

When working with a person with dementia, library employees might notice behaviors common for people with cognitive impairment such as appearing lost, having difficulty reading, or misplacing items.  If you are concerned with the safety or general well-being of a library visitor, please contact your local authorities.

Dementia Friendly Library Resources

Dementia Friendly Library Checklist

Suggested Reading List

Dementia Friendly America Library Sector Video

Dementia Friendly America Resources

A Dementia Friendly Library in Wisconsin

Act on Alzheimer’s- Dementia Friendly Faith Community

Alzheimer’s Association- Building a Small Resource Center Toolkit

Alzheimer’s Association- Recommended Reading Materials

Bridges Library System- Developing a Dementia Friendly Partnership with Your Public Library

Dementia Friendly Libraries in Wisconsin- A Best Practice Guide

Dementia Action Alliance


Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dementia – IFLA